Publicado por Roe Smithson & Asociados Ltda in Santiago Chile
Focus Group in Chile
Focus Group is a very valuable technique to collect important data of the objective market. A Focus Group is a small sample of the market with members who represent their role in order to know in advance market behavior of players and also trends of the market among some other important information.
At ROE SMITHSON & ASOCIADOS in Chile, a well recognized company with broad experience in marketing research and business counseling, not only in Chile but some other countries in South America such as Brazil and Colombia among others, know how to build a Focus Group to measure and figure market variables.
Building a Focus Group is made by selecting specialized personnel of certain characteristics such as ages, men and women with specific profiles and different social economical levels to have the broadest sample of the society as possible and generates an important input from the objective market.
There are three steps to lead a Focus Group such as Conceptualization, Interview and finally, Analysis and Report. First of all, conceptualization means definition of a target and development of a plan. Secondly, interview includes development of questions, skills and participants. And finally, third, Analysis and Report, includes evaluating and presentation of results and analysis of the collected data.
Focus Group is a powerful tool to figure out and test valuable market information to be shared in Focus Group sessions. Focus Group sessions are taken place in Gessel chamber and in Focus groups room. Bottom line, a Focus Group is an important mean to figure objective market information and design new strategies to achieve goals and increase profitability of the business.
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