Publicado por Roe Smithson & Asociados Ltda in Santiago Chile
Focus Group in Chile
Focus Group in Chile is a sample of any objective market. A Focus Group in Chile is a group of different persons who represent some kind of behavior, culture, race, age, gender, among others, to discuss about a specific matter in order to know how the objective market is.
ROE SMITHSON & ASOCIADOS is a company leader in market investigation and research and also business counseling, not only in Chile but in Latin America such as Brazil and Colombia, among others, to know trends and behaviors of any objective market using some techniques to collect information such as Focus Group in Chile.
Focus Group in Chile is a technique to collect valuable information which uses to take place in Gessel Chamber and also in Focus Group room. A Focus Group in Chile is important to identify threatens, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in the objective market in order to maximize resources to accomplish goals.
There are three phases for developing a focus Group in Chile. They are Conceptualization, Interview and Analysis and Report. Conceptualization is the first step and it means to define a target and development of a plan. Interview, as second step, includes development of questions, skills and participants. And finally, third, Analysis and Report, includes evaluating and presentation of results and analysis of the collected data in the Focus Group in Chile.
How to gather a Focus Group in Chile? It is a process of recruitment which is made by selecting some special personnel of certain characteristics such as ages, gender, with specific profiles and different social stratus to have the widest sample of the society as possible.
Bottom line, focus Group in Chile is an important technique to figure out objective market information and develop strategies to achieve goals and increase profitability of the business.