Publicado por Roe Smithson & Asociados Ltda in Santiago Chile
Mystery Shopping
Mystery shopping is an evaluation process of customers. This evaluation of performance provides valuable information to customers about practices on how customers are treated at their shops or offices.
Knowing how their personnel treat customers is important in order to improve the interface with them. Mystery Shopping is also taken place via telephone, in writing or on online.
Mystery shopping as a performance evaluation process can be also used as a source of information of the competition as well.
Mystery shopping performance evaluation process is also important because of improving customer services by learning from own experiences of hidden customers. It also improves product knowledge and advertising of promotions and effective product launches. It is also valuable because of improving selling skills of all personnel involved with customers.
ROE is a marketing research company, leader in providing solutions to all our customers at affordable costs and with precise strategic information to support their market decisions. Besides, we offer customer experience evaluations or mystery shopping, market investigation, compliance audits, reward programs, competitor shops, pricing audits, business verifications, physical inspections and merchandising, among other important market services.
For more information about ROE Smithson & Asociados, and all the market services they provide in Chile, Perú, Colombia, Uruguay, Argentina, contact us right away to stay in touch to one of the best market researchers in the region. Know more regards mystery shopping, Focus Group, surveys, marketing intelligence, and much more by clicking HERE.