Archive for October, 2012

Published by Roe Smithson & Asociados Ltda in Santiago Chile on 11 Oct 2012

Market segmentation

Market segmentationMarket segmentation parcels the whole market into small ones for any customer to be successful and focused on the main strategy. For customers, becoming a big and important player in any market is easy when market segmentation is well done in order to maximize resources of the company and determine goals according to the Global Plan.

Making previous market segmentation is a smart move for any customer to save resources and be focused on the main strategy. Identifying market segmentation is also necessary to know our initial point and how to move on accordingly.

But, market segmentation must be done by professionals such as ROE Smithson & Asociados in Chile, to be sure this small niche of the market or market segmentation itself is the right ballpark to be a player of the market.

ROE Smithson & Asociados, is a leader in market research to support all our customers to move forward with their main strategy into any specific market or market segmentation in order to be a successful and profitable company.

We are a leader company bilingual English-Spanish with strong experience by offering market research with operations in Chile, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.  We are capable to identify important niches in a big market by a market segmentation process in order to maximize resources to increase profit of the business.

Making market segmentation is necessary for all our customers to run a Strategic Plan. We have the expertise and also knowledge to collect and figure out all the data required to define what niche of the whole market is the right one for our customers to move on with the main strategy in terms of new products, promotions, publicity, new trends, new end users and so forth.

For more information about ROE SMITHSON & ASOCIADOS in Chile and all about market segmentation


Published by Roe Smithson & Asociados Ltda in Santiago Chile on 01 Oct 2012

Blind Client strategy

Blind Client strategy A Blind Client is a investigation market technique which is very popular nowadays because of valuable information collected. A Blind Client allows researchers to identify behaviors from end users in an objective market. ROE Smithson & Asociados is a very important investigation market company which is very skilled doing this Blind Client strategy.

ROE Smithson & Asociados is a company from Chile, leader in the market by providing the best solutions for all our customers to identify key variables to support them in their Strategic Plan. Based on techniques such as Blind Client among others, we research at affordable costs all necessary work for our customers to aim achieving in their general strategy.

Basically, a Blind Client is a hidden person with certain abilities to collect important information from the field itself using an agenda. Also, a Blind Client is a process to collect data from end users to identify new trends of the target such as Threatens, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Strengths.

A Blind Client as a data collecting technique is also important because makes visible some hidden trends of the end customers which are not easily detected using some other techniques since this Blind Client strategy come to end users without any filter in between.

At ROE, we offer specific techniques such as Blind Client, compliance audits, reward programs, competitor shops, pricing audits, business verifications, physical inspections and merchandising, among other important market services to meet all our customer expectations.

Come to ROE now. We are a company which dedicates to run market investigation using always the right strategy and technique to collect the more and the best data from end users and target market.

For further details and more information about ROE Smithson & Asociados and all about Blind Client strategy