The total percentage of clients of Roe Smithson & Asociados Ltda. for which we carry out market studies and bilingual (English/ Spanish) marketing consultancy is divided as follows:
Seventy per cent (70%) of our clients are companies dedicated to market penetration, market research, market consultancy, international business counseling.
We also count on advertising agencies, union associations and risk capital companies or investors in the United States, Canada, Australia, India, China, United Kingdom, France, Spain and Italy.
Twelve per cent (12%) out of that total percentage is made up by market research companies, marketing consultancy, international business counseling and union associations of Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Colombia.
International companies of services and products with regional operations, world wide branches and representations which main headquarters are mainly in the United States, Canada, France, Australia, United Kingdom, Brazil, Spain and Italy are ten per cent (10%) of our clients.
The activities of this group of companies for which we carry out quantitative studies are basically: pets food, ASP services suppliers, sub contractors of construction, agricultural industrial, metal mechanics, resin manufacturers, footwear manufacturers, beverages and juices bottling, manufacturers of furniture and spare parts, among others.
The remaining eight per cent (8%) is made up by importation, exportation, production and services companies of Chile. We carry out market analysis and business counseling for them. Some of the clients of Roe Smithson & Asociados Ltda. have offices and/or representation offices in some other countries of South America.
For illustration purposes we list some of the companies that have received, to the present date, the benefits of the quantitative and qualitative market research studiesof our market research company as follows:
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