Archive for April, 2009

Published by Roe Smithson & Asociados Ltda in Santiago Chile on 29 Apr 2009

Focus Groups

Focus GroupsA Focus Group Interview is a relatively cheap and fast method of conducting qualitative market research, but it’s more than just a way to gather data from a number of respondents at the same time.

It involves a largely free-flowing, unstructured discussion by a group of people for the purpose of eliciting ideas or reactions to a topic such as service expectations. It is an effective qualitative method because as a group dynamic, it helps to stimulate ideas that might not be raised in a discussion with only one person.

Focus group interviews often simply called “groups” are group discussions:

  • The group normally has between 8 and 12 participants
  • The discussion lasts for up to two hours although an extended, several-hour long version is sometimes used
  • All participants get paid for participation, and the level of this compensation depends on the characteristic of the group
  • The discussion follows an agenda: a list of topics or areas to be covered
  • Often conducted at specialized facilities, where it is possible to audio and video tape and observe from behind a one-way mirror, which enable other researchers and clients’ representatives to observe the discussion without being visible
  • Participants are always aware of the possibility of being observed and need to agree to the recording
  • A professional moderator, using a carefully prepared topic guide, leads the discussion in order to develop useful information

Whether your goal is to expand into new markets, introduce a new product or service, or gauge customer reactions, even the smallest businesses can benefit from a simple but well-planned market research study. The choice of method, be it focus groups, depth interviews, telephone focus groups, or a combination varies depending on your information needs.

Roe Smithson & Asociados Ltda helps you understand your market, your customers, your competitors, and larger industry trends by means of specialized methods of market research and focus group in Chile.

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Published by Roe Smithson & Asociados Ltda in Santiago Chile on 06 Apr 2009

CATI Interviews

CATI InterviewsThe CATI – Computer Assisted Telephone Interview- procedure used by  Roe Smithson & Asociados Ltda  is a rising quantitative research method for data collection.

It is a highly standardized method of telephone interviewing, in which the interviewers read off the questions from a computer screen and type the answers directly into the computer as they proceed with the questioning. For many years now, telephone interviews have played a greater role in market research than face-to-face interviews. Some of the advantages of CATI interviews are:

  • Shorter field times
  • Lower cost
  • Higher sample exhaustion due to repeated contact attempts
  • Better interviewer control
  • Less error-prone due to omission of the data-recording phase after the interview
  • Chance to react to weaknesses in the data collection method during the field period

CATI interviews are particularly suitable for:

  • Highly standardized surveys
  • Surveys that would normally be limited or not possible at all with the conventional paper-and-pencil method due to complicated filtering
  • Studies with a very small and precisely-defined gross sample, as the system always stores the reaction to a successful connection and relays the telephone numbers back to the individual work stations after a predefined period of time
  • Surveys with complex quota samples, which are continually checked by the system
  • Studies with difficult target groups that can be contacted via CATI at less cost and more specification

Roe Smithson & Asociados Ltda provides its clients an extremely cost-effective CATI interview method that assures them fast, accurate and usable market research.

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